Thursday, September 07, 2006


No real topic here...just a variety of things.

First the school's local paper The Chimes was published today. The article I wrote was on the front page!!! My first article at Biola! I am enthused if you cannot tell. I am sending a bunch of copies to my mom, so I am sure you'll all get to see it sooner or later.

As far as soccer goes, things didn't go as good as I hoped, but went as I pretty much thought they would. In summary, the coach really doesn't want to bring any more people on the team (already 24 players on roster) unless they can replace starters...and quite frankly, him and I both agree that right now I can't. Still, though, I wished he would have given me more chances to perform. I mean, I know I am rusty (haven't been playing since high school season ended last fall), but he pretty much judged me in about 5 mins of playing time. He was only there for half the practice, and he just saw me play in a short-sided game once. I felt like if I was given a few more chances I could have shown a little more of my skill. I know I need some work, but these guys aren't out of my league.

Still, though, there's good news. Eight seniors are leaving this spring, and the coach was pretty insistent that I keep in touch with at least he sees I have potential.

But anyways, God knows what I do and don't need. I'm involved in a lot of areas right now, so one little downfall certainly doesn't bring my entire person down. Which, by the way reminds me, I'm getting involved with the praise band at the local church I've been going to. They already have two drumers, so I'd be entering into a rotation, but when I am not drumming, they're going to be having me play some bongo type!!

So, yeah, a lot of random stuff there. I got to get to homework. Yo tengo mucho leer ( I have much to read ).



Anonymous said...

I am so excited to read your article. I am also impressed that you took the initative to go out play soccer for the coach, that not only shows your love for the game but your willingness to continue to try, you go boy!! Is the church you are attending into the same praise style we are used to? I interested to see how their style is. love ya, mom

Anonymous said...

Hey! Mira and I got to read your article when we went to one of Jordan's futbol games over in Tigard. Great Article!! Congrats on the front page, that is quite an accomplishment!

Let us know when you're going to be home so that we can come visit.

We're not up to much new up here...still the same old grind with work and school. Mira is going back to take some Business/Management classes so that she can start her MBA and I am still just brushing up on my machining skills for work and for my future business plans.
