Sunday, September 17, 2006


Wow, this weekend has been full of homework. It's amazing how fast reading and essays can accumulate.

I pretty much spent all yesterday reading (missing out on going to the beach w/ the rest of the floor). Today I went to church, interviewed a guy for a paper in journalism class and then wrote the paper (4 pages). Luckily I was able to play soccer a bit to run of some steam, but right after that I got right back in.

On top of that I have been working on a story for The Chimes. It's a really interesting story and I am getting a lot of juice. So, in between homework I have been working on this. So, yeah, just a bit worn out right now.

Next week probably won't be much different. There are two essays I am going to have to work on (along with finishing my story for The Chimes) and I can't imagine the reading getting any lighter.

But, hey, at least now, Sunday night, I feel like I've had a productive weekend--how often can you say that?

Weather down here still feels like summer. I am loving it!! Still waiting on a job. Went to a job tour thingy for UPS, but pretty quickly relized that what they were going to want me to work was not going to work with my schedule. So, I did some other apps for on campus jobs and turned one in the other day--I think I have a good chance of getting it since it is an office job and I already have a lot of experience with that type of work. Keep your fingers crossed.

Prayer I need right now is just for my composure. I usually thrive when on deadline, but it also wears me out and I tend to get very single-minded. I want to find a good balance between work and social activities right now. Don't want to work-horse my way through the year but then realize I didn't form too many relationships.

Also pray that I just have the patience to deal Javier. I think we're starting to get on each other's nerves, and I know there have been times when I've wanted to be smack him around a bit. But yeah, I guess living together with anyone will cause conflict...I don't want to lose my friendship over it, though.

Thanks for reading! see you all at Christmas!!

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