Saturday, January 27, 2007

I Return

Just got back to Biola about an hour and a half ago. nice to be back---in some ways, as we pulled up to the dorm, it felt like I had never been gone...weird.

Anyhow, my ambitions are high and I'm ready to take on the world. Already I have taken up an article for The Chimes which will be due on Tuesday--crazy fast, I know...but I wanted to start off fast so I can set a pattern of productivity--sounds corny, yeah, but hey.

I got about 6 things written down on a sticky pad that I have to get done in the next few days, so there's not too much time to just settle down. I know it sounds like I'm going crazy, but don't worry, I know myself and what I have to do in order to keep myself going and productive. I'm very conscientious of my limits, my ability, and the necessity to keep balanced and take a break.

Though the future unclear, I'm here
...sure there's fear.
But nerves bridled and object clear
God will strengthen His child
And keep my name filed

I'm going for it guys....root for me.

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