Friday, December 08, 2006

Finals Stretch

So here we are folks. Just finished up the last class of the semester. Currently am enjoying the last weekend of my first semester at Biola. One last thing to do....finals!

I'm not too worried about any particular final right now. I think I pretty much know what my grades are going to be. I'll likely get 4 or 5 As, and 1 or 2 Bs. Probably the most important finals are in my Convergent Journalism and Math classes...I have a low A in Convergence and a high B in the result of the final will be pretty important.

Nevertheless, I'm not stressed right now. As long as I get some good studying this weekend and next week I should be good. I'll probably have to study the most in my Anthropology class, just because there's always a lot of information to know.

So anyways, I'm excited to come home. Can't wait to get all wet and soggy again in the rain.......cuz.., you know, this 80 degree weather in the middle of December is horrible...*snicker*

Well, talk to you all later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, you will be getting wet alright! As of today, Saturday, the forcast is, rain, showers, more rain and maybe a little drizzle!!! So, better get out those webbed feet again, you'll need them. Good luck with finals!!! And Friday can't come quick enough
Lots of love