Thursday, August 31, 2006

Nation Ball

So, I may have had a boring day, but I just concluded the night with a ton of fun. The whole campus was invited to play a game called Nation Ball in the gym. Each dorm was assigned a color and you were supposed to wear a shirt of that color for your team uniform. Basically, Nation Ball is just dodgeball with a little twist ( the people who get out can go to the other side and throw balls at the opposing team).

It was incredible The noise in there was absolutely immense. Everyone was being as loud as they could for there dorm. Crazy.

The competition was between Upper Campus dorms and Lower Campus dorms. Teams from the Upper Campus competed against each other until there was one winner, and Lower Campus did the same. Then there was a championchip. The way the game is designed makes it pretty much impossible for any of the smaller dorms to win, so Sigma Chi (the dorm I am in) got eliminated when we went agaist one of the biggest dorms on campus. It was still really fun, though. I've never seen such massive dodgeball games before. The final, which was between the two biggest dorms on campus, probably had about 200+ people playing. Crazy.

After that, the crazy guys on my dorm decided to have a wrestling match. We all ran outside yelling wrestling match. Was hilarious. Even funnier because the guys that wrestled had to wear those funny looking masks that you see the Mexican wrestlers wearing.

Anyways, glad the whole day wasn't boring. I love Biola. Oh yeah, and I got a free shirt at the Nation Ball game...they were throwing them out to the crowd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Michael,

It's Jason Griffith here. Just wanted to see if you had an email address! Looked around your site and there wasn't one. I noticed in your profile what kind of music you like and I was curious if you had ever listened to Project 86. They're a great band who a friend of mine went to college with...check them out at

Anyway, Mira and I just wanted to say hi and God Bless.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Jason & Mira