Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Hey everyone. It's about 11:10 here, and I'm just hanging out in my dorm lobby. Just did some reading for my Convergent Journalism class...there happens to be quite of bit of reading in college :p . Anywho, I more or less just wanted an excuse to post something else, so here I am on my laptop typing away.

About 45 mins ago I got back from my first year seminar class. The class simply introduces us to Biola and associates us with the journalism major...I'm like one of two guys in the class of about 25 people. Did I pick a feminine major?? Lol. Heh, but anyways, our assignment for the week is to meet with our groups (that were assigned today), and just discuss, well, life I suppose. Sounds weird, I know, but it's just another one of those things that makes Biola so much different than anywhere else. Here they encourage you to go beyond the classroom work and make connections...saying that it is just as important as any of the school work.

In about 30 mins I have to be at my Cultural Anthropology course (I know, a mouth-full). The class is huge. We meet in an auditorium, and there are 117 people in the class! I'm not sure what I think about this class yet...seems interesting, but I also think it has potential to be a yawner. One of the things that did grab my attention, was the fact that the book we've been assigned to read, opens up talking about human evolution. You may think it's strange that I'd be reading that in a Chrisitan university, but I actually think it is a good thing. It's like the book Love Your Lord Your God with All Your Mind says, we need to educate ourselves in worldly knowledge so that we can better defend our faith. People who argue and don't know the other side, appear ignorant and uneducated--not a great position to be in when you're trying to prove a point.

Later today I have a class called Appreciation of Art--a 3 hour course. All of you out there who know me are probably cracking up with laughter right now. Hey, I got to take it. It's a general ed requirement. I'm trying to be positive about it right now...I need to expand my mind beyond the usual right...think in new ways.....We'll see how long the optimism lasts :)

Supringly my math class hasn't been so bad. It's very much not your typical math class. We don't just sit around and learn how to do problems, we actually talk about the nature and history of math. And believe it or not, we talk about God in math...and not just as a fleeting idea, but really in depth. Interesting...

My last class is Foundations of Christian Thought, but I don't have much to say about it yet, as the class has not yet been held. I am quite sure it will be excellent, though. I have begun reading the books for the class, and I am really enjoying them.

Anywho, I better start getting ready for my next class.

Have a wonderful day,


Anonymous said...

Hey Michael,
don't give up on art appreciation, yet. Granted, I don't know your proffessor or what you're studying, but it could be pretty interesting...maybe. Whenever art is involved there is always one thing you really, really like out of twelve things that you wish you hadn't seen (talk about desensitization). Let me know how it goes, Bethany

Anonymous said...

My most elder son - YOU ROCK! Dad