Sunday, November 04, 2007


There's been a lot of activity on Biola's campus these past few days. On Friday Biola inaugurated Dr. Bary Corey, Biola's 8th president. That was a truly amazing thing to see; all the professors in their gowns; amazing music; great message from Dr. Cory.

On Saturday we had Biola Fest on Campus, which was a big carnival like event with performances by several bands, including Mercy Me. A lot of people from the community came in. I had the chance to eat some wonderful cotton candy :).

You can look on for more details about all this. Some pictures of mine are actually posted on the website right now. I've been doing a lot more photography since I began doing all this online writing.

Oh, just to let you all know, I got my offical acceptance into the Washington Journalism center last week--really exciting!! So, I'm just taking care of some paper work, and in the next few months I will be trying to get set up with an internship over there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome, Michael. Time will go by quickly and you will be on your way back east before you know it. We can't wait to have you home for a few weeks before you go. See you soon.
