Wednesday, April 25, 2007


This week has been crazy busy. I'm working six days and will probably have around 25 hours at the end of it all (compared to 10-15 in normal weeks). Yesterday I had to go to work at 6:45 AM and today I had to go to work at 5:00, I'm kind of tired.

School has also been keeping me pretty busy. I have a speech tomorrow that I've kind of hastily prepared, but I think I'll do well.

So also adding to the craziness has been the Biola drama of GYRADs haha (read last post if you don't know what I mean). I worked up the courage to ask that girl I was talking about to our GYRAD...unfortunatley her floor's GYRAD was on the same day so it didn't work out...however, the phone conversations and subsequent meeting at the coffee shop today were good results of the otherwise disappointing news (I'm pretty sure she would have gone with me had there not been a conflict in case you're wondering in my chances, haha).

But, the crazy thing is that while all this was happening two different girls contacted me about going on their GYRADs--craziness...maybe I'm making an impression after all, hahaha. So anyway, the drama increased when I found out the two girls that asked me were from the same floor...heh.

So anyways, in conclusion, I'm going on a GYRAD on Saturday with the first girl who asked me (or her roommate rather, since it's Get your Roommate a date)...not out of favoritism or anything, just because she was the first. I know her from my journalism classes and we've talked a bit and seem to have a lot in it should be fun. I'm just treating it like a fun time to get to know a bunch of new people. By the way, I guess we're going to the zoo and the beach.

That's enough about GYRADs and girls...

I could use some prayer about my summer situation. I'm still not 100% positive about where I am going to be--so yeah, kind of getting worried about that.

Yeeeahhh....whoo...a lot of stuff going on before the end of the year. Crazy...end of the school year. I've grown so much I really think I could write a short novel about it...however, I won't do it here; talk to me over the phone or something if you really want to hear all that God has been doing in me; it's really quite spectacular.

Thanks for reading....

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