I did my second EagleVision broadcast yesterday. I felt it went a lot better than last time...I wasn't nearly as panicked or out-of-wack like last time--felt a lot more confident.
Last night we had a bi-annual "Night at the Sig" at my dorm. It was 007 themed so we all dressed up real nice....I'm going to put some pictures up after I'm done blabbering here.
Anyways, I need some prayer right now. I just feel like I'm getting so busy that I'm not making enough time for real critical things like time in the Word...I just feel like I am rushing a lot and so am making a lot of excuses for not doing it. Now, don't get me wrong, the whole rushing and keeping busy thing is good--I did, after all, make goals at the beginning of the semester to keep busy and to be involved, which I am doing--however, the struggle now is just making time for some of the real important spiritual matters which brought me to Biola in the first place.
Oh, and my first real intramural game is tomrrow...I'm real excited. Hopefully our team will be able to come together. During our pre-season match we just were real disorganized and weren't working well as a unit--we have a lot of talent it seem, just need to put it together.
Well, other than that, things are going pretty swell :) I feel like I am getting a lot of things done and am making really good use of my time. I also feel like I am slowly establishing myself with other people across campus, mainly because of my involvement with EagleVision. I also am really enjoying my Bible class--a lot of good theology and Bible interpretation that I have been missing since Phil left the church last year--and the professor is really cool.
So, here are the pictures....
My roomie Clay and I//////////////////////////// Some guys from my floor

Javier (my old roomie) and Clay playing /////////Brooks and Justin (one of my floor's RAs)

More guys from my floor