So, just back from my little journey to San Diego and back. I had a really good, relaxing time with the family down there. Was especially good to just be back in a house instead of a dorm. What I really appreciated was being able to go to sleep in absolute silence--no people playing guitar outside my door, no yelling from people playing Halo, and no roommate bursting through our very squeaky door at obscene hours of the night....just silence.
Judy and Gary took real good care of me while I was there. We ate at Kono's twice (yum yum), went to see the latest James Bond movie (awesome), and they always offered their hospitality. Was really good to see so many people that I haven't seen in such a long time (e.g. Heather and Bree). It's kind of funny how different the family is down here compared to up in Oregon. I'm used to always having a disproportionate amount of children running around, but down here the family is all grown up (besides Nicole and Jeremy). I always appreciate, though, how much interest they show in my life even though I don't see them that much.
Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving. I know I am thankful for everyone reading this, because it means that they care about me and have probably made a significant contribution in my life. Don't ever worry that your contribution is for nothing...I'm am trying really hard to do well in college--and I know that my life is more than my own, so you shouldn't worry about me making poor choices. When these 4 years are done and over with, it's going to be the people reading this right now who are going to be the ones I thank for wherever I am...thank you in advance.
I hope you all recognize what a great country we live in. Sure, it's sinful, self-obsessed, and plenty of other negative things...but do remember that you got to pray with your family around the dinner table on Thursday without fear of reprisal. Remember that you make more money in a day than most people in the world make in a month. Remember that you were able to drive to your destination in a running vehicle this past Thanksgiving...and that you were able to eat until you were way passed full. Not too bad.
Also remember, that to whom much is given, much is expected. I hope we can remember that when we see those in need. It's not enough to give when it is convenient...giving (and loving for that matter) is about sacrifice, which is never convenient.
My little children let us not love in words alone, but in deeds and truth
1 John 3:18
What a beautiful blog! You always amaze me in your choice of words and in how you express yourself. I know that it is hard for you to let people know what you are feeling but you did a good job with this entry. I am so glad you were able to spend Thanksgiving with family who love you with no conditions or expectations but with loving arms and graciousness, your family in Oregon missed you a GREAT deal and didn't feel right without you. I missed you so much and I CAN NOT WAIT till you are home in December. It is so hard to have you far away on the Holidays. BUT, with that said, I am so proud of you and know that you will succeed in college and in life for that fact. You have wonderful gifts that you offer and with such honesty and faith you wil do well. I will always support you in everything that you do, I love you so much and keep you close to my heart. Please be safe and good luck with your grades, I know you will be awarded for your hard work.
All my love
So glad you had a good time with family in San Diego. It's good to know that you have a thankful heart and appreciate all of the opportunities you have and those who love you. We missed you at our Thanksgiving table. You had better weather, though. It was freezing, wet, and windy in Walla Walla. We are waiting with bated breath to see you in December. Jacob talks about you all the time, now. He will be so excited when he sees you in the airport. You had better be ready to catch him when he jumps into your arms!
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