This post won't be too profound; it is after all late and I would like to get some sleep. But I would like to say how strange it is that I am leaving. A person can't help but get attached to a place, or to people, when being there and with them for four months.
I've learned a lot here, not doubt. I've learned a lot about myself, a bit about God and a heck of a lot about public transportation. All in all, I'm am so glad I came. Thank you to everyone, my family, friends, who support me in everything I do. Without you, it would be impossible.
And I would like to thank my God, of who made possible those very people, and who continues to defy the odds in my life. Thank you, Father.
I will try to get some rest now. I never have much to say right after a trip ends--I need a week or so. Be patient, please, if when I see you I don't have a ton to say. It'll come out eventually; in bits and pieces.

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