Internship finished off well. Both of the editors I worked for gave me very good reviews. They both offered to be recommendations for me whenever I needed them. It was kind of sad, I must admit, leaving that newsroom. I grew a lot in there, now that I think about it. I took huge steps in my life in there. You don't realize it while you're caught in the middle of the work, but just thinking about it right now, it's quite amazing how far I've come. This has been an amazing experience.
But no more sentimental stuff, I don't want to start crying...
In case you haven't heard, I having a fun little trip back home. May 2 I am flying to Utah to stay with relatives for about a week, and then am flying to LA to visit Biola (SOOO excited to see my friends). I'll be at Biola during the journalism department's awards banquet, so that'll be fun. After that, I flying back to good ole' Oregon, arriving May 13.
The weather is doing a lot better here--it'll be in the 70s all week, almost reaching 80 on Friday. A great change from the 10 degrees that D.C. greeted me with.
The pope arrived in D.C. yesterday, and will be driving around tomorrow. Will be pretty crazy, I can imagine. I wrote an article about how much police work the pope's visit requires--it's insane. If I can, I'd like to maybe catch a glance of him.
This weekend I am going to New York for a day. Got a great deal on bus tickets ($5 each way)! I will be catching a bus on Saturday at 3 a.m. (yeah, I know), and will arrive in Manhattan around 7:30 am or so. We'll get as much done as we can, before catching a bus back to D.C. at 11:00 p.m. Didn't really want to pay Manhattan hotel prices, so we figured this was the best way to do it.
Keep me in your prayers. This is crunch week. This is the last push to the end. I also am still without plans for a job. Despite 4-5 calls and several emails to the editor I had been in contact with at a paper in Washington (state), I have yet to hear back from him. I really don't get it. I've left messages with him twice, and once with the woman who answers the phone (who said she'd deliver him a message). Annoying.
Anyways, here are some fun pictures from the last couple weeks.